Jonathan and Jennifer are to perform again in an annual charity benefit for children. A stage manager who is besotted with Jennifer, thinking she is a long-dead actress, and is prepared to kill to satisfy his obsession. Jonathan and Jennifer are to perform again in an annual charity benefit for children. The director has unhappy memories of the theatre and there are stories of it being haunted by the ghost of a dead actress. It turns out that there is a stage manager who is besotted with Jennifer, thinking she is the long-dead actress, and is prepared to kill to satisfy his obsession. I haven't the slightest idea what to make of this thing. The plot centered around a stagehand who was obsessed with an actress who died in the theatre some years before. J&J show up and Jennifer's resemblance to the dead chick puts the guy over the edge. The plot could be interesting, but it was so weak to be practically non-existent. It was all just a prop for RJ & Stephanie's singing and dancing numbers. They are asked by a Broadway director friend of theirs to do an amateur charity show. Um, hello? Been there done that with the exact same show last season. There's a Diva that is way over the top who, of course, has no talent; the director is one of THOSE directors who hates amateurs, so why he's here i have no idea, and then he has a hissy fit; and the Harts are immediately looked to for leadership. Both of them are extremely talented and carry their numbers off well. But to what end? What is the whole point? Were TPTB tying to launch a reboot of the series as a variety show? Stranger things have happened in Hollywood. But honestly, this whole thing was all over the map and just plain silly. Other than the great makeup on the crazy guy? Drek.
Yieshtande replied
337 weeks ago